If you or a loved one were diagnosed with cancer following exposure to firefighting foam, the legal team at King Law Firm is here to offer assistance.

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Find Out If You Qualify For AFFF Exposure Compensation

Scientific studies have established a correlation between the toxic chemicals used by AFFF (commonly known as firefighting foam) manufacturers for several decades and the development of severe health issues, including different types of cancer.


King Law Firm is Proud to Represent Firefighters and Others Who Have Been Affected and Deserve Compensation.

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Understanding AFFF Firefighter Foam Lawsuits

AFFF, a foam product used by various companies to combat fuel fires in cities and military installations since the 1960s, has become a cause for concern. The foam contains chemicals known as PFAS, which are known to be harmful and carcinogenic to humans. Shockingly, manufacturers were aware of these risks dating back to the early days of the product’s release, but they chose not to inform the public or the users.

As a result, firefighters who regularly use the foam and individuals living near areas where it was employed to fight large fires, such as airports and military bases, face a significant risk of health issues due to PFAS exposure.

Because of the damages caused, there are ongoing lawsuits seeking justice for the victims affected by AFFF. King Law Firm, an experienced injury law firm with expertise in handling such cases.  If you or someone you know has been affected, don’t hesitate to contact them for a complimentary consultation and evaluation of your situation at (855) 205-9940.

What is AFFF?

Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) is a fire-extinguishing foam commonly used to put out fires originating from flammable liquids, such as gasoline and other fuels (also known as Class “B” fires). As a result of its chemical composition, AFFF is very effective at extinguishing fuel fires since it creates tightly bonded molecules that are highly effective at restricting heat and oxygen flow. One of the reasons AFFF works is that the foam coating can withstand the heat from an active fuel fire underneath and effectively separate the fire and fuel from the oxygen they need to continue to burn.

How is AFFF Used?

AFFF is a special foam that has been used for many years to put out fires. It was first used in the 1960s to control fires, and later in the 1970s, it became common on military bases. Since then, both military and civilian firefighters have been using this foam to extinguish fires in various situations, like when they’re out in the field or during practice drills.

Firefighters can easily use AFFF because it’s stored in tanks on their fire trucks. But it’s not just limited to fire trucks. AFFF can also be used in fire suppression systems at places that are at high risk for fuel fires, like airplane hangars. This helps to keep people and property safe from fires.

Why is AFFF Dangerous?

Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in manufacturing AFFF. The chemical structure of PFAS is extremely stable, so it does not break down naturally like most chemicals, and therefore is often referred to as a “forever chemical”. Even though PFAS have been classified as potentially carcinogenic to humans, AFFF lawsuits have revealed that companies that manufacture the product have access to research dating back to the 1960s that proves that people exposed to AFFF and the PFAS it contains are significantly more likely to develop cancer and adverse health effects. Many negative effects have been linked to PFAS, including:


1. Increased Risk of Cancer: Studies have linked PFAS exposure to an increased risk of certain cancers, including kidney, testicular, prostate, and ovarian cancers.


2. Liver Damage: PFAS exposure has been shown to lead to liver damage, including liver inflammation and impairment of liver function.


3. Thyroid Dysfunction: PFAS chemicals can interfere with thyroid hormone regulation, leading to hypothyroidism and other thyroid-related disorders.


4. Reproductive Issues: Exposure to PFAS has been associated with reduced fertility, as well as adverse effects on fetal development and pregnancy outcomes.


5. Immune System Suppression: PFAS exposure can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and diseases.


6. Elevated Cholesterol Levels: PFAS exposure has been linked to increased levels of cholesterol and other lipids in the blood, which can contribute to cardiovascular problems.


7. Kidney Damage**: Studies have indicated that PFAS exposure can harm kidney function and may contribute to kidney disease.


8. Neurological Effects: Some research suggests that PFAS exposure may be associated with cognitive deficits and developmental delays in children.


9. Weight Gain and Obesity: PFAS exposure has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity, possibly due to its disruptive effects on metabolic processes.


10. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Prolonged exposure to PFAS chemicals has been associated with elevated blood pressure levels, increasing the risk of hypertension.


It’s important to note that research on PFAS is ongoing, and new information may emerge about their potential health effects. As a precautionary measure, regulatory bodies and organizations are working to reduce exposure to PFAS and address their environmental impact.

Hidden Dangers of AFFF and PFAS

When it comes to AFFF (Aqueous Film-Forming Foam) products, the labels often include some basic warnings like washing hands if the substance comes in contact with the skin and seeking help from poison control if it gets into the eyes. But, unfortunately, there are other significant dangers associated with these products that the manufacturers never disclosed to the public.

One of the most concerning aspects is the long-term exposure to AFFF and PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances). When firefighters regularly use AFFF to combat fires, they might face serious health risks, including cancer and other health problems. Shockingly, the manufacturers did not provide any warnings about these potential hazards.

Another alarming issue is related to PFAS, a group of chemicals used in AFFF. When large quantities of AFFF are used, especially during military base or airport training exercises to extinguish plane fires, it has been discovered that AFFF can seep into the groundwater. Unfortunately, this can make the well-water in the surrounding area unsafe for consumption, putting nearby residents at risk without their knowledge.

The dangers associated with PFAS and its presence in AFFF have led to a gradual phasing out of its use. Nowadays, newer technologies that can be equally effective in firefighting but don’t rely on toxic carcinogens like PFAS are being adopted as safer alternatives.

It’s essential for the public to be aware of these hidden dangers, and it’s crucial for manufacturers to be transparent about the potential risks associated with their products. By understanding these issues, we can make informed choices and protect ourselves and our communities from harmful substances.

AFFF Dangers Confirmed – Slow Progress in Regulation and State Actions

Extensive research conducted by independent organizations, as well as esteemed agencies like the CDC and EPA, has left no doubt that repeated exposure to PFAS poses serious risks to human health. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has explicitly stated that professions with higher exposure to PFAS, such as firefighters, face potential harmful health outcomes, including an increased risk of cancer.

However, despite these clear dangers, the regulatory response has been somewhat sluggish. On October 18, 2021, the EPA released a strategic roadmap outlining their plans and goals to address the issue. Nevertheless, the roadmap itself indicates that this will be a multi-year process. It means that the full implementation of measures to tackle the dangers of PFAS will take considerable time.

In light of the prolonged timeline for EPA action, some states have taken matters into their own hands. Several states have already passed laws to restrict or outright ban the use of AFFF and PFAS-containing products, aiming to prevent further harm to human health and the environment.

While progress is being made, it is crucial for all levels of government to work diligently in safeguarding public health from the dangers of PFAS. By implementing effective regulations and fostering innovative solutions, we can collectively avoid future damage caused by these hazardous substances.

Who is Most Affected by AFFF and PFA Use?

As the laws are being updated to address the dangers of AFFF (Aqueous Film-Forming Foam) and PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances), it’s evident that certain groups face higher risks of health impacts from these products. The most vulnerable individuals include firefighters, military veterans, and people who use well-water near airports or military bases.

Firefighters and military personnel, in particular, are at significant risk due to their frequent exposure to AFFF during their work and training. These products have been used extensively in both municipal and military settings for over six decades, leading to potential health problems, such as cancer, for those who have been repeatedly exposed.

While the laws are gradually changing to address the situation, there are still thousands of firefighters who have been exposed to AFFF over the years. It’s essential to find comprehensive solutions to ensure proper treatment and compensation for the victims. Manufacturers, who were aware of the health risks associated with their products, need to be held accountable for neglecting to inform the public about the potential dangers of long-term exposure, including the risk of cancer.

The focus should be on protecting those who have already been affected and preventing further harm by taking appropriate measures against the companies responsible for producing and promoting these hazardous substances.

Seeking Justice for AFFF Chemical Exposure: Lawsuits and Compensation

Many people have been harmed by a hazardous and toxic chemical called AFFF. These victims are seeking justice, but the legal process can be complicated for both clients and their attorneys. The lawsuits involve big companies like 3M, the manufacturer of AFFF, who failed to warn people about the risks of exposure.

The cases include individual ones, where each person sues separately, as well as a larger AFFF Multi-District Litigation and a class action suit that involves many people affected by the chemical.

The King Law Firm and its team of experienced litigators are here to help. They have the knowledge and resources needed to handle these cases and fight for successful outcomes. Their goal is not only to compensate the victims for their suffering but also to hold the chemical companies accountable for their negligence. This may involve punitive damages to make sure these companies learn from their mistakes.

If you are an AFFF victim or if you or your family member have been affected by this chemical, you can stop searching for representation. The King Law Firm is ready to take on your case and get the best possible result for you.

AFFF Lawsuit Qualifications

If you or a loved one were exposed to AFFF Firefighting foam and have received a cancer diagnosis, changes are high that you may qualify to join the AFFF Lawsuit.  At King Law Firm, our reputation speaks for itself, and we take pride in our determination to handle cases that other attorneys might not have the resources for. Over the years, we have achieved numerous successful outcomes, surpassing our clients’ expectations.  When we step into the courtroom, we focus on thorough preparation. Our approach includes strategic trial arguments, extensive witness preparation, in-depth jury research, and well-crafted case strategies developed through focus groups and mock trials. Our expertise allows us to successfully take on even deep-pocketed corporations involved in AFFF lawsuits. Throughout the process, we maintain open communication, providing regular case updates and offering competitive fee agreements while always striving to maximize results for our clients.

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