
King Law Firm Blog

Railroad Exhaust Exposure Dangers

Railroad Exhaust Exposure Dangers Generally, railroads contain conditions that may expose railroad workers to health hazards such as diesel exhaust fumes and asbestos from exhaling it in brakes, insulations, locomotives, and even in rail cars. Specifically, railroad...

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Do I Have To Take A Breath Test?

Do I Have to Take a Breath Test for a DWI in North Carolina? Being stopped on suspicion of drinking while impaired (“DWI”) can be a distressing experience. The panic may cause you to make uninformed decisions that seemingly help you to avoid a charge. For example, you...

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Is Eminent Domain Allowed by The Constitution?

IS EMINENT DOMAIN ALLOWED BY THE CONSTITUTION? The federal government has the legal right to acquire private property for public use via eminent domain. A government and citizen must agree to certain conditions before eminent domain can be used. The terms are outlined...

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Divorce Vs. Legal Separations

Divorce Vs. Legal Separations If you and your spouse determine that it's time for a change in your relationship or living arrangements, it's essential to know your options and their legal ramifications. For some couples, a legal divorce will be the answer. For others,...

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Children and Divorce

Children and Divorce Divorce alone is often confusing enough. However, the topic of children and divorce can be even more complex and challenging for many North Carolina parents. If you have questions about divorce, or you or your spouse have or soon will be filing...

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Five Grounds for Divorce

Five Grounds for Divorce North Carolina law recognizes that no two divorces are alike. While most divorces have similarities, there are no cookie-cutter divorces. Each type of divorce has different grounds and requirements. When you hire an experienced North Carolina...

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Fathers Rights In North Carolina

Father's Rights in North Carolina North Carolina family laws and courts reflect the importance of each parent in the lives of their children. While historically, mothers were given far more rights than fathers simply because of their gender and societal roles, fathers...

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Can a Man Win Child Custody?

Can a Man Win Child Custody? Divorce encompasses and impacts nearly every area of your life, including your property and assets, your finances, where you will live, and unavoidably, your children. If you are facing a divorce, you might be concerned about what will...

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Can I Have My Criminal Record Expunged in North Carolina?

Can I Have My Criminal Record Expunged in North Carolina?   Making the first impression is important, and you wouldn't want your criminal record to stand in the way of your dream job. Getting an expungement in North Carolina will erase your public records,...

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Can a Father Get Full Child Custody in North Carolina?

Can a Father Get Full Child Custody in North Carolina?   Very few fathers have custody of their children. In fact, according to census records, only 17% of custodial parents are fathers. While there may be various reasons fathers are not typically the custodial...

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